Transition To Secondary School
Transition to Secondary School: (TSS1/2)
Intended Audiences:
African & Caribbean Primary School Parents (TSS1)
All Primary School Parents (TSS2)
The presentation to African & Caribbean parents is given in the cultural context of supporting students of African, Caribbean and Black British descent, as well as highlighting (and providing strategies for) some of the effects of institutionalised racism.
After 6 years of building positive relationships with the teachers and support staff at primary school and seeing their child grow in stature and confidence, every parent has concerns about their child’s academic and social wellbeing on the move to a big, new secondary school.
Any process of transition involving students has the potential to be fraught with ‘complications,’ especially when it comes to the social, emotional and physiological changes that can have a negative impact on learning. Therefore, it is important for parents to have an understanding of how these changes could impact on their child so that they could be better placed to them. This not only includes learning new strategies, but also knowing which strategies should not be abandoned just because they are going to a bigger school.
Former headteacher, Neil Mayers delivers an interactive presentation based on his best-selling book “Gifted At Primary, Failing By Secondary.” The presentation outlines 6 key focus areas for primary school parents to ensure their child’s academic success at secondary school.
The purpose of this presentation is to help parents recognise, understand and counter the transition from many common positive primary school behaviours to some negative (and often widely ‘accepted’) behaviours often attributed to teens in secondary school.
By recognising why, when and where these behaviours manifest, we empower parents to make better choices regarding their child’s engagement at home and at school. Ultimately, by focusing on the mastery of 6 key areas of their child’s academic life, parents can ensure their child’s academic success by the end of secondary school.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the presentation, parents should be able to :
Explain the importance of maintaining a high level of communication between themselves and their child.
Know how to use peer pressure to improve their child’s educational outcomes.
Build positive relationships with the increased number of their child’s teachers in secondary school.
Provide more strategic support for their child once the ‘difficulty’ level increases in the content of their secondary school lessons.
Former headteacher, Neil Mayers delivers an interactive presentation based on his best-selling book “Gifted At Primary, Failing By Secondary.”
The presentation outlines 6 key focus areas for primary school parents to ensure their child’s academic success at secondary school.