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Raising Black Student Attainment CPD
Intended Audiences:
All Staff (IRS1)
This is a teacher-training event that focuses on the school issues and societal issues that can impact on the attainment of African & Caribbean students. Most importantly, the vast majority of the teacher training is spent looking at a wealth of strategies to nullify the negative impact of these issues.
After looking at society as a whole, then narrowing the focus to the school environment, we then further narrow our attention down to individual GCSE subjects. At this level we cover as many subjects as possible in the time allowed naturally giving priority to the core subjects and any school specialism. The aim being to identify as many strategies, available options and resources that could make each subject more engaging for African & Caribbean students.
GCSE Subjects Covered:
English Language
English Literature
Religious Studies
Leisure & Tourism
Home Economics
Art & Design
Media Studies
The purpose of this interactive presentation is to demonstrate the numerous ways that institutionalised racism in society is essentially ‘automated’ and replenished by its everyday nature. With numerous examples, we then look at the many ways we can counter its effects whilst informing our students and parents of the schools efforts to ‘detox’ the school to improve the wellbeing of all their students. Secondly, we look at how the curriculum content of each exam subject can be tailored to result in greater engagement from African & Caribbean students.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this presentation, parents and staff should be able to:
demonstrate the ability to recognise basic stereotypical and racist ideologies used in at least one form of media
identify at least one area for immediate improvement in their home / classroom which would result in a more positive cultural experience for a child
compare, rank and critique suggestions for improvements from other members of the audience

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